A downloadable game

A short interactive story about Mao's adventure through the ear.

This was written as a piece of science communication for a project.

I hope you enjoy it =^.^=


BI600aakm2CommunicationsAspect-1.0-mac.zip 48 MB
BI600aakm2CommunicationsAspect-1.0-pc.zip 65 MB

Install instructions

For Windows users

When you download the file, make sure you download the BI600aakm2CommunicationsAspect-1.0-pc.zip file. It should be visible in the downloads folder. Once you click on the file, you should see another folder. If you click on the BI600 one, you should see multiple files.

The game should open once you click the 'Application file'. You may have to unzip the file.

Hope you enjoy it!

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